Zionism and the Media
GRAHAM: "The Jewish stranglehold on the media has got to be broken or this country's going down the drain."
NIXON: "You believe that?"
GRAHAM: "Yes, sir."
NIXON: "Oh boy. So do I. I can't ever say that but I do believe it."
- Religious leader Billy Graham and President Richard Nixon Exchange captured on tape.
Here is a sample of the bias Palestinians face in our media: On February 25, 2005, the Los Angeles Times website edition headline read: "Palestinian Suicide Bomber Shatters Calm of Late." The article goes on to state that this bomber "shattered a month-long period of relative calm." The author is referring to the ceasefire between Israel and Palestine agreed to on February 8, 2005 and the "relative" calm before and after it was agreed to. There are two issues here: 1) who has been breaking the "calm," and 2) whose "calm" are we talking about?" Issue #1: Who has been breaking the "calm"? - Since the ceasefire on February 8th until February 25th - the bombing, Israeli military and illegal settlers have killed eight Palestinians, two of them children. - Since the previous Palestinian suicide bomber on November 1, 2004 in which Israelis lost three lives, Israeli military and illegal settlers have killed 170 Palestinian men, women, and children; injured and maimed 379 Palestinian men, women, and children; have held 8,000 Palestinians – 300 of them children - in prison where they are routinely abused; confiscated hundreds of acres of Palestinian land; expanded the illegal Apartheid wall; expanded the illegal settlements; demolished hundreds of Palestinian homes and orchards; continued the ruination of the Palestinian economy with checkpoints and curfews until 70% of the Palestinian people are unemployed and living in abject poverty, etc., etc. Issue #2: Whose "calm" are we talking about? Surely, after reading the above, not the Palestinians! The article might better be titled "Palestinians Retaliate for Israel's Terrorist Actions" You will never see a headline like that in the mainstream American media, no matter how much it is deserved. I guarantee it! Issue #3: Who did the suicide bomber attack? This subject was not even touched in the article by the L.A. Times. The Palestinian bomber attacked an Israeli combat unit that had taken part in numerous brutal invasions in civilian Palestinian neighborhoods. They had killed and mutilated numerous Palestinian men, women, and children. In the Palestinian attack no Israeli civilians were hurt. When all this was brought up to an editor on the Los Angeles Times foreign desk by Alison Weir, a noted journalist and author of the excellent website "If Americans Knew", the Los Angeles Times editor just hung up on her. Another Example - Jeffrey Blankfort Tells This Story "Back in 1982, I was able to place an Israeli soldier, a reservist, who refused to serve in Lebanon on the biggest radio talk show in San Francisco. He told the truth about the Lebanon war, that the Palestinians were not shelling Lebanon, and in the second hour of the program which was broadcasted to a national audience, someone, with a strong accent, called and asked 'who is responsible for putting this communist on the air?' The talk show host said that he was…. Very soon afterward, that talk show host who was the most popular radio programmer in San Francisco, was replaced by a Zionist who is there to this day (2006) and who is such a Zionist that every year, when they have an Israeli Day celebration in San Francisco, he is the master of ceremonies. On the airwaves, on the major networks, you will find either among the owners or the more important decision making positions, people who are clearly Zionists."
CEO Media Company Ranking TV Networks, Movie Companies & Publishers Gerald Levin AOL Time Warner Largest media conglomerate in the U.S. HBO, TNT, TBS, CNN, TCM, Warner Brothers, Time Inc. Michael Eisner Walt Disney Company 2nd largest media conglomerate ABC, ESPN, A&E, Lifetime, Miramax Films, Caravan Pictyures, Touchstone Pictures Summer Redstone Viacom Inc. 3rd largest media conglomerate CBS, Paramount, MTV, Nickelodeon, Showtime, Country Music Television, Nashville Network Cable, Infinity Broadcasting (radio), Pocket Books, Free Press, Schribner, Simon & Schuster Edgar Bronfman, Sr Edgar Bronfman, Jr. Vivendi Universal 4th largest media conglomerate Universal Studios, USA Networks, Houghton Mifflin Publishers Robert Murdoch Murdoch's News Corporation 5th largest media conglomerate Fox Television Network, 20th Century Fox Films, Fox 2000, New York Post, TV Guide Robert Perelman New World Entertainment Premier independent TV program producer in the US
David Geffen, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steven Spielberg DreamWorks SKG
All these and other media conglomerates have directors of their subsidiaries Warner Bros., Barry Meyer, Chair and CEO; CNN/US, Walter Isaacson; Walt Disney Studies, Joseph Roth; Caravan Pictures, Robert Birnbaum; Miramax Films, Robert & Harvey Weinstein; ESPN, Steven Bornstein; CBS, Melvin Karmazin; New World Entertainment, Ronald Perelman; Peter Chernin is the president and CEO of Fox Group; Peter Roth under Chernin is president of Fox Entertainment. New York Times and the Boston Globe, Arthur Sulzberger, publisher; Wall Street Journal, Kann; US World and News Report, The Atlantic, and the NY Daily News, Mortimer Zuckerman owns all three and is Editor-in-Chief of his US News and World Report. Today we should add Brian Roberts the CEO of Comcast, the largest TV cable network in America; Howard Stringer, the CEO of Sony of America; Ivan Seidenburg the CEO of Verizon, the largest American wireless phone company; Cheryl Halpern, Chairperson of the Corporation of Public Broadcasting. All Jewish. And the latter an especially rabid Zionist.
Newsflashes – August 2006 The newspapers are reporting that the Los Angeles Times is up for sale. They have received three separate letters of intent to buy. All three of the prospective buyers are Jewish billionaires. I bet Israel will get great coverage is any of them buy! And the beat goes on. It Happens! Another Zionist Major Owner - April 2007 Chicago billionaire Sam Zell just bought the Tribune Company, the nation's third-largest newspaper chain and one of its largest conglomerations of television stations. This includes the Chicago Tribune, The Los Angeles Times, Newsday, and other newspapers plus 23 TV stations. Zell is a major contributor to AIPAC and strong supporter of Israel. He funds the Zell Entrepreneurship Program in Israel an advanced college program for Israelis that culminates in a 6-12 month internship at corporations affiliated with Zell and other corporations in the United States. September 16, 2006 Khalid Amayreh a longtime reporter for al-jazeera.net/English writes on his blogspot (umkahlil.blogspot.com) that pro-Israel editors are seeking to influence Al-jazeera International English Satellite TV and turn it into a more western TV station that is “fairer” to Israel. It seems we are about to loose the only truly Arab voice in the international media to Zionists.
The following article breaks down in detail, the extensive Jewish presence in the media. Even though it was written by the National Alliance, a neo-nazi, white supremacist group in this country, the article is exceptional in its research on Jewish presence in the American media and so I am including it on this website. Please ignore all the white supremist nonsense in the beginning and skip down and start at the section titled "Electronic News and Entertainment Media". The article was written at the end of 2004 and therefore the names are current only for that year.
"Who Rules America? The Alien Grip on our News and Entertainment Media Must be Broken," by the research staff of Vanguard Books
Saban: Zionist Billionaire at Work in the media
Haim Saban an Egyptian born Israeli, Zionist Jew, a strong supporter of Israel who lives in the United States and who made his billions in the media business (FOX) continues his reach into the media. In the September 5, 2004 issue of the N.Y. Times, Saban is quoted at saying, "I'm a one-issue guy and my issue is Israel." - In 2003 he bought a German media conglomerate of T.V. networks and a German film library, Kirch Media.
- In 2006, Saban bought Univision Communications, the largest Spanish broadcasting television company in the US for USD 12.3 billion. Univision Communications owns Univision and TeleFutura television stations which together constitutes an 80 percent chunk of the fastest growing television market in the United States. It also owns the largest Spanish-language radio network in the US with 69 radio stations.
To quote Grant F. Smith's article Israel Lobby Initiates Hispanic Strategy "Univision producers now looking up through the chain of command toward the new owners will undoubtedly begin tapping Spanish speaking 'scholars' from Brookings (Zionist propaganda 'think tank' – see Lobbying section), as well as the package of Israeli diplomats and Middle East analysts pushed by AIPAC's new Hispanic division (see AIPAC in Lobbying section)."
- Saban also owns partial control of the Bezeq Corporation in Israel and 24% of Channel 2, Keshet, in Israel.
We can be sure our Spanish speaking American audience will receive a steady pro-Israel message.
III. Journalists: Zionist, Conservative, and Dumb
Along with Zionist CEOs and owners of media conglomerates and media companies just discussed, there are the journalists in newspapers, magazines, on-line, on the radio, and on television who amplify the pro-Israeli bias throughout the U.S. media. These journalists are divided into three categories: Zionists - true believers in the biblical right to a Zionist nation on the Palestinian land, conservatives who believe in the righteousness of western civilization and America's and Israel's leading place in it, and lastly journalists who are just dumb or speaking in a more civilized manner, uninformed about Zionism who mouth pro-Israeli statements like "every country has the right to self-defense" without having any idea of what is really going on in the Middle East. Below is a partial list of these characters - mainly the Zionists - with a few examples of the others.
Zionist Journalists
Wolf Blitzer - currently a CNN Reporter; previous employee of AIPAC; former journalist for the Jerusalem Post
Max Boot - editor of Wall Street Journal; contributing editor to Weekly Standard (neo-con); on Council on Foreign Affairs
Alan Dershowitz - lawyer; commentator; recently disgraced himself with his incredibly inaccurate book, A Case for Israel
David Frum - contributing editor to "National Review Online" and "Weekly Standard"; co-authored, An End to Evil with Richard Perle
Frank Gaffney, Jr. - columnist for the Washington Times and a contributor to Defense News and Investor's Business Daily. He is a contributing editor to National Review Online, WorldNetDaily.com, and JewishWorldReview.com. He is also President of the Center for Security Policy, a Zionist/neocon "think tank."
Jeffrey Goldberg - staff writer for New Yorker, freelance for other papers, citizen of Israel..was once a prison guard there
Jonah Goldberg - National Review Online, Editor-at-large David Horowitz - editor-in-chief of the Zionist "Front Page Magazine"; President of Center for Study of Popular Culture
Jeff Jacoby - columnist for the Boston Globe and Jewish World Review Donald Kagan - Professor of ancient history; father of Frederick & Robert Kagan; co-authored book with W. Kristol & R. Kagan; neo-con
Frederick W. Kagan - associate professior of military history at U.S. Military Academy
Robert Kagan - author; world affairs columnist for Washington Post; contributing editor for New Republic; neo-con
Marvin Kalb - founding director of Joan Shorenstein Center at Harvard - a supposed expert on the Middle East; previously diplomatic correspondent for NBC and CBS news; of Russian-Jewish origin
Ted Koppel - ABC Nightline reporter Irving Kristol - born 1920; one of the founders of the neo-conservative movement; father of William Kristol (cited below). Among other things Irving founded The National Interest in 1985 a prominent bi-monthly international affairs journal mainly directed by Zionist Jews. It is now funded by Conrad Black, who owns the Jerusalem Post and the Hollinger empire in Britain and Canada.
William Kristol - editor of the Weekly Standard, the main neo-conservative rag owned by Rupert Murdoch
Judith Miller - New York Times "journalist"
Robert Murdoch - owner of the first global, media network -hundreds of TV channels including Fox News, newspapers, publishing houses, etc.
Marty Peretz - owner/editor-in-chief of The New Republic
Norman Podoretz - founder with W. Kristol of neo-conservatism; long-time editor of the Jewish conservative, Commentary Frank Rich - writer for the NY Times, mainly theater critic
William Safire - political columnist for the New York Times
Mortimer Zuckerman - owner & editor-in-chief of "U.S. News & World Report"; owner of the "Atlantic" and "NY Daily News"
Conservative Uninformed Charles Krauthammer - writes a nationally syndicated editorial page for the Washington Post Writers Group that appears in over 100 papers
George Will - columnist in 450 newspapers, and bi-weekly column in Newsweek
Lou Dobbs - CNN anchor
Ken Hamlin - newspaper columnist, radio noisemaker
Rush Limbaugh - radio noisemaker
Bill O'Reilly - Fox News noisemaker, sort of a lost soul
Most local broadcasters & newspersons like these individuals have a pro-Israel bias because of the reasons explained throughout this section.
Maybe, to be more accurate, there needs to be a fourth category titled Buffoon which is defined as one who yells alot without thinking or a journalist who is more worried about making money and attracting a following than the accuracy of anything he says. We could put O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Murdoch, etc. in that group.
Some Neocon, rabidly Zionist, Periodicals: Commentary, National Review, The Weekly Standard, The New Republic, The National Interest
IV. Zionist Media Organizations
Zionists have found many ways to influence the media. Ownership, editors, columnists, film producers, reporters mentioned above are just some. Below are some additional methods they use.
- The organization CAMERA - Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America - founded in 1982, has as its purpose to read the articles in the American press and if there is anything critical of Israel to call the reporter, write letters to the editor, and even encourage boycotts.
- The Palestinian Media Watch takes a different approach. It scours the Palestinian media to find out what Palestinians are saying about Israel, and lays out how the Palestinians negative interpretations of Israeli society are "wrong."
- The Middle East Media Research Institute, founded by the wife of David Wurmser, a Zionist in the upper echelons of the U.S. State Department, does very biased, skewed, pro-right wing English translations of the statements of leading Arabs. It then hopes that the English media, which are notorious for lacking Arab speakers, presents these translations in their media outlets as accurate.
- FLAME (Facts and Logic About the Middle East) On their website they say “The media – both print and broadcast – are with few exceptions biased against Israel.” (How this can be with the American media mainly owned and run by zionists as shown above is beyond me….but) FLAME accomplishes their objectives by publishing monthly hasbarah (propaganda) messages in major publications and small-town newspapers all across the United States and Canada as advertisements and organizing letters to the editors campaigns.
- Israeli “Internet Fighting Team” – the Talkbackers The Israeli Foreign Ministry has instituted teams of multi-lingual students and demobilized soldiers from the information analysis unit to monitor the Internet and to inject zionist propaganda – both written and videos - into websites, especially news websites, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. The “Talkbackers” operate covertly. That is, they project themselves as just “regular” bloggers and citizens of the country that they are blogging to although they are operating out of the Israeli Foreign Ministry under the direction of Elan Shturman, deputy director of the policy-explanation department – part of the worldwide zionist media, public relations machine. The ministry provides talking points to the teams but requires them to write personally – as net surfers. This operation started with volunteers during the 2009 Gaza massacre but has since become a working department in the Foreign Ministry. They have full access to the government’s computer technical division, Tahila. As part of their mission the teams also are to push Israeli commerce depicting Israel as a developed state that contributes to the quality of the environment and humanity. This second mission Israel hopes will help Israeli companies get millions of dollars worth of contracts. The Talkbackers operate 24 hours a day. (Source: Calcalist “The Foreign Ministry presents: talkbackers in the service of the State” by Dora Kishinevski, July 5, 2009.)
- The Israel Project (TIP) is an international, zionist, media project operating out of Jerusalem. Their focus is getting pro-Israel propaganda to foreign journalists and opinion-makers. To accomplish this they distribute “fact” sheets and background pieces on Israel, hold multi-lingual press conferences with zionist spokespeople, and conduct guided helicopter tours of Israel. There are over 400 foreign reporters permanently assigned to Israel that they primarily cater to. The current Israeli “hot issue” which TIP is working on is the hundreds of expanding, illegal, Jewish settlements in the West Bank that have outraged the world community. TIP has developed a 140 page “secret” paper to assist pro-Israel activists to defend these illegal settlements. The paper advises activists when questioned about the settlements that if they cannot convince the questioner on the righteousness of them then first try and change the subject. If that doesn’t work, they advise their fellow zionists to accuse those who advocate removing Jewish settlements of promoting “a kind of ethnic cleansing to remove all Jews” from the West Bank. They tell them to argue that telling Jews that they cannot live in the Palestinian state “is a racist idea.” TIP is primarily funded by the Robert and Yadelle Sklare Foundation in Chicago.
V. Zionists Continue Their Attack on America's Freedom of Speech
When it comes to Israel and many Jewish related topics, America has limited freedom of speech thanks to Zionist pressure. Some cases on point: - A party in honor of Bad Faith, a book Carmen Callil wrote about Louis Darquier, the Vichy official who arranged the deportation of thousands of Jews, was to have taken place at the French embassy in New York on October 10, 2006 but was cancelled after the embassy was pressured by "fundamentalist Jews" to have the party shut down. Their complaint was a paragraph in the postscript of the book that noted what the Jews of Israel were doing to Palestinians. The author commented that its seems "everyone forgets."
- Tony Judt, a British-born academic based at New York University has had two speaking engagements called off after criticism of his views. Mr. Judt, an American Jew, was due to speak on the subject of the influence of the pro-Israeli lobby on US foreign policy and at a separate location under the title War and Genocide in European Memory Today during September of 2006. The first instance was at a location owned by the Polish consulate. The Polish consul, Krzysztof Kasprzyk, said after two inquiries by Jewish organizations and "delicate pressure" from them he cancelled the speech. In the second instance, Judt pulled out from a talk on the Holocaust at Manhattan College after a Jewish leader, Rabbi Avi Weiss, warned he would hold a protest of Holocaust survivors outside that event.
- In March of 2006 the Royal Court Theatre production of "My Name is Rachel Corrie" was to open in New York City after two sold-out runs in London and several awards. The play is about Rachel Corrie, a 23 year old American girl who was killed rein 2003 in Palestine by Israelis as she was trying to stop a bulldozer from demolishing Palestinian homes. The production was cancelled because of protests by New York Zionist Jews – New York is Zionist City (ask Hilary Clinton who regularly bows to their wishes). Eventually the play opened at another theater despite the protests.
The above are just three recent examples. This website is full of other – intimidations of teachers, journalists, politicians, etc. that "keeps them quiet" and restricts America's knowledge, analytical thinking, and freedom of speech.
James Petras in 2007 called this the “Zionist Power Configuration.” It is much more than a lobby.
“The Zionist Power Configuration (ZPC) has over two thousand full-time functionaries, more than 250,000 activists, over a thousand billionaire and multi-millionaire political donors who contribute funds to both political parties. The ZPC secures 20% of the US foreign military aid budget for Israel, over 95% congressional support for Israel’s boycott and armed incursions in Gaza, invasion of Lebanon, and preemptive military option against Iran.”
“No single individual who dares criticize Israeli policy can escape the long hand of the pro-Israel authoritarians….Booksellers are picketed, editors are intimidated, university presses and distributors are threatened, university presidents are blackmailed, local and national candidates are browbeaten and smeared (from the smallest American hamlet to our metropolitan centers and national capital), meetings are cancelled and venues are pressured, faculty are fired or denied promotion, corporations are blacklisted, union pension funds are raided, and theater performances and concerts are cancelled. And the list of repressive actions taken by these authoritarian Zionist organizations at the national and local levels runs on….”
He might have added America is forced to war against other nations, and act against its own national interest diplomatically and militarily. Legislation is proposed to limit Americans’ freedom of speech labeling legitimate criticism of Israel and zionism as anti-Semite and a hate crime.
VI. Mossad and the Media - Israel's Disinformation Network
The Mossad, the zionist spy network similar to our CIA, has a global network of media contacts which their Department of Psychological Warfare uses. Mossad's motto is " By way of deception, thou shalt do War." The Department of Psychological Warfare's task is to feed their media contacts "background" - read disinformation and lies, that will help discredit and destroy the Palestinians and Arab nations that support them, and elicit sympathy for Israel's elimination of Palestinians. A second task of that department is to prepare information for the press attaches at Israeli embassies. Their purpose there is the same. Below are two examples of Mossad's many attempts at media disinformation in the United States.
Zionist Jews worldwide are making war on the United States and most Americans are not aware of it. The United States is losing!
In 1996, TWA flight 800 crashed off Long Island. 230 people died. Mossad contacted their world-wide media contacts stating that the crash was a terrorist act perpetrated by Iraq and Iran. This was another Israeli lie. The FBI spent a half million dollars and ten thousand man hours following all these Zionist lies. It determined that Iran and Iraq had nothing to do with this plane crash, the disinformation was a Mossad plant, and that the crash of TWA 800 was not a terrorist act. James Kallstron, the FBI agent in charge of the investigation said: "If there was way to nail those bastards in Tel Aviv, for time wasting, I sure would like to see it happen. We had to check every item they slipped into the media." Of course, by the time the FBI report came out, many Americans and others had mentally registered the disinformation as truth and damage was done to our relations with Iraq and Iran. The bomb attack at the Atlanta Olympic Games provided another opportunity for a Zionist plot in this country and throughout the world. Again, Mossad's media contacts world-wide were given information that the way the bomb was made had the signature of Palestinian terrorists from Lebanon's Bekka Valley. Another lie. The bomb was the work of a lone American, a security guard, with no international or terrorist connections. These are examples of what we American taxpayers are paying for when we give Israel billions of dollars a year.
(Source: Gideon's Spies by Gordan Thomas, p.69.)
VII. Studies of Pro-Israel Media Bias in Newspapers
The results of Jewish ownership of so much American and world media, their presence on editorial boards, and their proclivity to scream and yell anytime the media reports anything which they perceive as negative about Israel or positive about Palestine is the basis of a study done by If Americans Knew, a nonprofit organization whose goal is to educate Americans about the billions of dollars of our tax money that goes to support Israel and its policy of ethnic cleansing. Below is a link to their study of the San Francisco Chronicle and the San Jose Mercury. The study demonstrates the outlandish, pro Israel bent of both papers. Both papers are more a grocery store tabloid than a respectable journalistic endeavor. The sad thing is that any similar study of any major American newspaper would produce the same results. (A clear summary by the author of this research is in the September 2003 edition of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. The title of the article is "Reversing Reality: Newspaper Coverage of Israel and Palestine" by Sarah Weir. The article is available on the Internet but without the charts.)
Media Pro Israeli Bias
A Boston Globe Reporter Tells of Zionist Influence on the Media I FIRST REALIZED the enormous pressures on American journalists in the Middle East when I went some years ago to say goodbye to a colleague from the Boston Globe. I expressed my sorrow that he was leaving a region where he had obviously enjoyed reporting. I could save my sorrows for someone else, he said. One of the joys of leaving was that he would no longer have to alter the truth to suit his paper's more vociferous readers (Read "Zionist Jews" - website author). "I used to call the Israeli Likud Party 'right wing,' " he said. "But recently, my editors have been telling me not to use the phrase. A lot of our readers objected." And so now, I asked? "We just don't call it 'right wing' anymore."
Ouch. I knew at once that these "readers" were viewed at his newspaper as Israel's friends, but I also knew that the Likud under Benjamin Netanyahu was as right wing as it had ever been.
This is only the tip of the semantic iceberg that has crashed into American journalism in the Middle East. Illegal Jewish settlements for Jews and Jews only on Arab land are clearly "colonies," and we used to call them that. I cannot trace the moment when we started using the word "settlements." But I can remember the moment around two years ago when the word "settlements" was replaced by "Jewish neighborhoods" or even, in some cases, "outposts."
Similarly, "occupied" Palestinian land was softened in many
American media reports into "disputed" Palestinian land just after then-Secretary of State Colin Powell, in 2001, instructed U.S. embassies in the Middle East to refer to the West Bank as "disputed" rather than "occupied" territory.
Then there is the "wall," the massive concrete obstruction whose purpose, according to the Israeli authorities, is to prevent Palestinian suicide bombers from killing innocent Israelis. In this, it seems to have had some success. But it does not follow the line of Israel's 1967 border and cuts deeply into Arab land. And all too often these days, journalists call it a "fence" rather than a "wall." Or a "security barrier," which is what Israel prefers them to say. For some of its length, we are told, it is not a wall at all so we cannot call it a "wall," even though the vast snake of concrete and steel that runs east of Jerusalem is higher than the old Berlin Wall.
The semantic effect of this journalistic obfuscation is clear. If Palestinian land is not occupied but merely part of a legal dispute that might be resolved in law courts or discussions over tea, then a Palestinian child who throws a stone at an Israeli soldier in this territory is clearly acting insanely.
If a Jewish colony built illegally on Arab land is simply a nice friendly "neighborhood," then any Palestinian who attacks it must be carrying out a mindless terrorist act.
And surely there is no reason to protest a "fence" or a "security barrier" words that conjure up the fence around a garden or the gate arm at the entrance to a private housing complex.
For Palestinians to object violently to any of these phenomena thus marks them as a generically vicious people. By our use of language, we condemn them.
We follow these unwritten rules elsewhere in the region. American journalists frequently used the words of U.S. officials in the early days of the Iraqi insurgency referring to those who attacked American troops as "rebels" or "terrorists" or "remnants" of the former regime. The language of the second U.S. pro-consul in Iraq, L. Paul Bremer III, was taken up obediently and grotesquely by American journalists.
Back in the old days, we used to believe did we not that journalists should "tell it how it is." Read the great journalism of World War II and you'll see what I mean. The Ed Murrows and Richard Dimblebys, the Howard K. Smiths and Alan Moorheads didn't mince their words or change their descriptions or run mealy-mouthed from the truth because listeners or readers didn't want to know or preferred a different version.
So let's call a colony a colony, let's call occupation what it is, let's call a wall a wall. And maybe express the reality of war by showing that it represents not, primarily, victory or defeat, but the total failure of the human spirit.
This is taken from an opinion piece titled "Telling It Like It Isn't" by Robert Fisk. It appeared in the Los Angeles Times. Below is the link. Robert Fisk is Middle East correspondent for the London Independent and the author, most recently, of "The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East," published last month by Knopf. My readers should note that although this is about American journalism, the same applies to Zionist influence in other countries especially Europe, Australia and Canada whose people complain of the same thing.
VIII. Two International Jewish Media Conglomerates: News Corp & the Bonnier Group
Zionist media control, ownership, and dominance are not limited to the U.S. All the media conglomerates listed in the “U.S. Media” chart above are global in reach. This website does not have the resources to do a worldwide study of zionist and Jewish dominance of the world media but numerous examples of it flow across my desk. Here is a simplified breakdown of two of them. News Corp - Rupert Murdoch a Jewish global media tycoon and founder, major shareholder, chairman, and managing director of News Corporation which in 2003 was one of the top five media corporations in the world. Murdoch in 2009 was listed in Forbes magazine as the 132nd richest man in the world. He started his media acquisitions with newspapers and record companies in Australia. He expanded into the United Kingdom where he owns The Times and The Sun, and into the United States where he owns the New York Post along with dozens of other newspapers, TV stations in New York, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago, Atlanta, Boston, Phoenix and 14 other cities, Fox Broadcasting, Fox News Channel, Fox Sports Net, T.V. Guide, Harper Collins Publishing, 20th Century Fox, Direct TV, etc. etc. In Hong Kong News Corp. owns Star TV in Asia, which alone "broadcasts more than 60 television services in 13 languages to more than 300 million viewers across 53 countries. In Turkey Murdoch bought out TGRT TV. Murdoch, both personally and through his media empire, is a strong supporter of Israel and its zionist policies. Here are two pertinent quotes from the June 2003 issue of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs:
Murdoch's close relationship with Sharon and heavy investment in Israel led former Times Africa correspondent Sam Kiley to resign his position. "The Times foreign editor and other middle managers flew into hysterical terror every time a pro-Israel lobbying group wrote in with a quibble or complaint," Kiley said, "and then usually took [the lobby's] side against their own correspondent...No pro-Israel lobbyist ever dreamed of having such power over a great national newspaper." After one conversation in which Kiley was asked not to mention a 12-year-old Palestinian boy who was killed by Israeli troops, the reporter "was left wordless, so I quit.”
Former Times of London editor Harold Evans disagrees with Kuntzman, insisting that Murdoch does indeed make it known what he wants to see printed or broadcast—by constantly disparaging politicians he doesn't like, generally criticizing articles, and sending along copies of articles from other (often right-wing) publications to his employees with notes like "Worth reading!" Clearly, Murdoch indirectly orders his employees, supposedly independent journalists, to adopt positions that are in line with his own politics. Says former Times East Asia correspondent Jonathan Mirsky, the media mogul "does not need to tell [his] editors what to write, they just know."








Global Australia China India Malaysia Taiwan United Kingdom United States
The Bonnier Group, a vast, mass media conglomerate, is privately owned by the 75 members of the Bonnier family. The headquarters is in Sweden. Carl-Johan Bonnier is chairman. They are Jewish. They own over 150 media companies – newspapers, magazines, publishing companies, radio and TV stations, and media distribution firms in over 21 countries – primarily throughout Europe and now in the United States.
Of the seven largest daily newspapers in Sweden (circulation over 100,000) as of 2003, the Bonnier Group owned four (two other are either Jewish owned or edited by Jews). With 45% control they virtually control TV4 the largest privately owned channel in Sweden plus numerous publishing houses, book clubs, a film and a music club, many magazines, media distribution companies, theaters, etc. The Swedish ambassador in Tel Aviv is a member of the Bonnier family.
In Finland the Bonnier Group’s subsidiaries are the Tammi Publishing and Alma Media companies. As of 2003 they owned 23% of MTV, the leading business daily, the Lehdentekijat publishing house that produces 40 regularly published magazines, five regional newspapers, 15 local newspapers, and controlled the Baltic News Service - the leading news bureau in the Baltic region.In Norway their subsidiary is Cappelens. Which owns publishing houses among their many media companies In Latvia Bonnier owns the paper which has half of the countries newspaper circulation. In Germany they are the main publisher of children’s books. They also own numerous media business in Spain, Denmark, France and most other European countries.
In the United States the Bonnier Corporation ranks in the top 10 in the country among publishing companies. Its main market is special-interest “hobby” magazines of which it publishes over fifty titles including Field and Stream, Parenting, Popular Science, Saveur, and Yachting. On June 2, 2009 Bonnier Corporation (USA) purchased five additional magazines: Popular Photography, Flying, Boating, Sound & Vision, and American Photo.
(Editor’s Note: To be fair I must note that no where did I run across accusations that the Bonnier Group uses its mass media empire as a zionist propaganda tool on behalf of Israel as the many other Jewish media companies mentioned in this website do. I do not read Swedish, therefore, my ability to detect such bias, if it does exist, is severely limited.)








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Zionism and the Media
GRAHAM: "The Jewish stranglehold on the media has got to be broken or this country's going down the drain." NIXON: "You believe that?" GRAHAM: "Yes, sir." NIXON: "Oh boy. So do I. I can't ever say that but I do believe it." - Religious leader Billy Graham and President Richard Nixon Exchange captured on tape. |
Here is a sample of the bias Palestinians face in our media: |
On February 25, 2005, the Los Angeles Times website edition headline read: "Palestinian Suicide Bomber Shatters Calm of Late." The article goes on to state that this bomber "shattered a month-long period of relative calm." |
The author is referring to the ceasefire between Israel and Palestine agreed to on February 8, 2005 and the "relative" calm before and after it was agreed to. |
There are two issues here: 1) who has been breaking the "calm," and 2) whose "calm" are we talking about?" |
Issue #1: Who has been breaking the "calm"? |
- Since the ceasefire on February 8th until February 25th - the bombing, Israeli military and illegal settlers have killed eight Palestinians, two of them children. |
- Since the previous Palestinian suicide bomber on November 1, 2004 in which Israelis lost three lives, Israeli military and illegal settlers have killed 170 Palestinian men, women, and children; injured and maimed 379 Palestinian men, women, and children; have held 8,000 Palestinians – 300 of them children - in prison where they are routinely abused; confiscated hundreds of acres of Palestinian land; expanded the illegal Apartheid wall; expanded the illegal settlements; demolished hundreds of Palestinian homes and orchards; continued the ruination of the Palestinian economy with checkpoints and curfews until 70% of the Palestinian people are unemployed and living in abject poverty, etc., etc. |
Issue #2: Whose "calm" are we talking about? |
Surely, after reading the above, not the Palestinians! |
The article might better be titled "Palestinians Retaliate for Israel's Terrorist Actions" You will never see a headline like that in the mainstream American media, no matter how much it is deserved. I guarantee it! |
Issue #3: Who did the suicide bomber attack? |
This subject was not even touched in the article by the L.A. Times. The Palestinian bomber attacked an Israeli combat unit that had taken part in numerous brutal invasions in civilian Palestinian neighborhoods. They had killed and mutilated numerous Palestinian men, women, and children. In the Palestinian attack no Israeli civilians were hurt. |
When all this was brought up to an editor on the Los Angeles Times foreign desk by Alison Weir, a noted journalist and author of the excellent website "If Americans Knew", the Los Angeles Times editor just hung up on her. |
Another Example - Jeffrey Blankfort Tells This Story |
"Back in 1982, I was able to place an Israeli soldier, a reservist, who refused to serve in Lebanon on the biggest radio talk show in San Francisco. He told the truth about the Lebanon war, that the Palestinians were not shelling Lebanon, and in the second hour of the program which was broadcasted to a national audience, someone, with a strong accent, called and asked 'who is responsible for putting this communist on the air?' The talk show host said that he was…. Very soon afterward, that talk show host who was the most popular radio programmer in San Francisco, was replaced by a Zionist who is there to this day (2006) and who is such a Zionist that every year, when they have an Israeli Day celebration in San Francisco, he is the master of ceremonies. On the airwaves, on the major networks, you will find either among the owners or the more important decision making positions, people who are clearly Zionists." |
CEO | Media Company | Ranking | TV Networks, Movie Companies & Publishers |
Gerald Levin | AOL Time Warner | Largest media conglomerate in the U.S. | HBO, TNT, TBS, CNN, TCM, Warner Brothers, Time Inc. |
Michael Eisner | Walt Disney Company | 2nd largest media conglomerate | ABC, ESPN, A&E, Lifetime, Miramax Films, Caravan Pictyures, Touchstone Pictures |
Summer Redstone | Viacom Inc. | 3rd largest media conglomerate | CBS, Paramount, MTV, Nickelodeon, Showtime, Country Music Television, Nashville Network Cable, Infinity Broadcasting (radio), Pocket Books, Free Press, Schribner, Simon & Schuster |
Edgar Bronfman, Sr Edgar Bronfman, Jr. | Vivendi Universal | 4th largest media conglomerate | Universal Studios, USA Networks, Houghton Mifflin Publishers |
Robert Murdoch | Murdoch's News Corporation | 5th largest media conglomerate | Fox Television Network, 20th Century Fox Films, Fox 2000, New York Post, TV Guide |
Robert Perelman | New World Entertainment | Premier independent TV program producer in the US | |
David Geffen, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steven Spielberg | DreamWorks SKG |
Today we should add Brian Roberts the CEO of Comcast, the largest TV cable network in America; Howard Stringer, the CEO of Sony of America; Ivan Seidenburg the CEO of Verizon, the largest American wireless phone company; Cheryl Halpern, Chairperson of the Corporation of Public Broadcasting. All Jewish. And the latter an especially rabid Zionist.
Newsflashes – August 2006 The newspapers are reporting that the Los Angeles Times is up for sale. They have received three separate letters of intent to buy. All three of the prospective buyers are Jewish billionaires. I bet Israel will get great coverage is any of them buy! And the beat goes on. It Happens! Another Zionist Major Owner - April 2007 Chicago billionaire Sam Zell just bought the Tribune Company, the nation's third-largest newspaper chain and one of its largest conglomerations of television stations. This includes the Chicago Tribune, The Los Angeles Times, Newsday, and other newspapers plus 23 TV stations. Zell is a major contributor to AIPAC and strong supporter of Israel. He funds the Zell Entrepreneurship Program in Israel an advanced college program for Israelis that culminates in a 6-12 month internship at corporations affiliated with Zell and other corporations in the United States.September 16, 2006 Khalid Amayreh a longtime reporter for al-jazeera.net/English writes on his blogspot (umkahlil.blogspot.com) that pro-Israel editors are seeking to influence Al-jazeera International English Satellite TV and turn it into a more western TV station that is “fairer” to Israel. It seems we are about to loose the only truly Arab voice in the international media to Zionists.
The following article breaks down in detail, the extensive Jewish presence in the media. Even though it was written by the National Alliance, a neo-nazi, white supremacist group in this country, the article is exceptional in its research on Jewish presence in the American media and so I am including it on this website. Please ignore all the white supremist nonsense in the beginning and skip down and start at the section titled "Electronic News and Entertainment Media". The article was written at the end of 2004 and therefore the names are current only for that year.
Saban: Zionist Billionaire at Work in the media |
Haim Saban an Egyptian born Israeli, Zionist Jew, a strong supporter of Israel who lives in the United States and who made his billions in the media business (FOX) continues his reach into the media. In the September 5, 2004 issue of the N.Y. Times, Saban is quoted at saying, "I'm a one-issue guy and my issue is Israel." - In 2003 he bought a German media conglomerate of T.V. networks and a German film library, Kirch Media. - In 2006, Saban bought Univision Communications, the largest Spanish broadcasting television company in the US for USD 12.3 billion. Univision Communications owns Univision and TeleFutura television stations which together constitutes an 80 percent chunk of the fastest growing television market in the United States. It also owns the largest Spanish-language radio network in the US with 69 radio stations. To quote Grant F. Smith's article Israel Lobby Initiates Hispanic Strategy "Univision producers now looking up through the chain of command toward the new owners will undoubtedly begin tapping Spanish speaking 'scholars' from Brookings (Zionist propaganda 'think tank' – see Lobbying section), as well as the package of Israeli diplomats and Middle East analysts pushed by AIPAC's new Hispanic division (see AIPAC in Lobbying section)." - Saban also owns partial control of the Bezeq Corporation in Israel and 24% of Channel 2, Keshet, in Israel. We can be sure our Spanish speaking American audience will receive a steady pro-Israel message. |
III. Journalists: Zionist, Conservative, and Dumb
Along with Zionist CEOs and owners of media conglomerates and media companies just discussed, there are the journalists in newspapers, magazines, on-line, on the radio, and on television who amplify the pro-Israeli bias throughout the U.S. media.These journalists are divided into three categories: Zionists - true believers in the biblical right to a Zionist nation on the Palestinian land, conservatives who believe in the righteousness of western civilization and America's and Israel's leading place in it, and lastly journalists who are just dumb or speaking in a more civilized manner, uninformed about Zionism who mouth pro-Israeli statements like "every country has the right to self-defense" without having any idea of what is really going on in the Middle East. Below is a partial list of these characters - mainly the Zionists - with a few examples of the others.
Zionist Journalists
Wolf Blitzer - currently a CNN Reporter; previous employee of AIPAC; former journalist for the Jerusalem Post Max Boot - editor of Wall Street Journal; contributing editor to Weekly Standard (neo-con); on Council on Foreign Affairs Alan Dershowitz - lawyer; commentator; recently disgraced himself with his incredibly inaccurate book, A Case for Israel David Frum - contributing editor to "National Review Online" and "Weekly Standard"; co-authored, An End to Evil with Richard Perle Frank Gaffney, Jr. - columnist for the Washington Times and a contributor to Defense News and Investor's Business Daily. He is a contributing editor to National Review Online, WorldNetDaily.com, and JewishWorldReview.com. He is also President of the Center for Security Policy, a Zionist/neocon "think tank." Jeffrey Goldberg - staff writer for New Yorker, freelance for other papers, citizen of Israel..was once a prison guard there Jonah Goldberg - National Review Online, Editor-at-large David Horowitz - editor-in-chief of the Zionist "Front Page Magazine"; President of Center for Study of Popular Culture Jeff Jacoby - columnist for the Boston Globe and Jewish World Review Donald Kagan - Professor of ancient history; father of Frederick & Robert Kagan; co-authored book with W. Kristol & R. Kagan; neo-con Frederick W. Kagan - associate professior of military history at U.S. Military Academy Robert Kagan - author; world affairs columnist for Washington Post; contributing editor for New Republic; neo-con Marvin Kalb - founding director of Joan Shorenstein Center at Harvard - a supposed expert on the Middle East; previously diplomatic correspondent for NBC and CBS news; of Russian-Jewish origin Ted Koppel - ABC Nightline reporter Irving Kristol - born 1920; one of the founders of the neo-conservative movement; father of William Kristol (cited below). Among other things Irving founded The National Interest in 1985 a prominent bi-monthly international affairs journal mainly directed by Zionist Jews. It is now funded by Conrad Black, who owns the Jerusalem Post and the Hollinger empire in Britain and Canada. William Kristol - editor of the Weekly Standard, the main neo-conservative rag owned by Rupert Murdoch Judith Miller - New York Times "journalist" Robert Murdoch - owner of the first global, media network -hundreds of TV channels including Fox News, newspapers, publishing houses, etc. Marty Peretz - owner/editor-in-chief of The New Republic Norman Podoretz - founder with W. Kristol of neo-conservatism; long-time editor of the Jewish conservative, Commentary Frank Rich - writer for the NY Times, mainly theater critic William Safire - political columnist for the New York Times Mortimer Zuckerman - owner & editor-in-chief of "U.S. News & World Report"; owner of the "Atlantic" and "NY Daily News" |
Conservative | Uninformed |
Charles Krauthammer - writes a nationally syndicated editorial page for the Washington Post Writers Group that appears in over 100 papers George Will - columnist in 450 newspapers, and bi-weekly column in Newsweek | Lou Dobbs - CNN anchor Ken Hamlin - newspaper columnist, radio noisemaker Rush Limbaugh - radio noisemaker Bill O'Reilly - Fox News noisemaker, sort of a lost soul Most local broadcasters & newspersons like these individuals have a pro-Israel bias because of the reasons explained throughout this section. |
Some Neocon, rabidly Zionist, Periodicals: Commentary, National Review, The Weekly Standard, The New Republic, The National Interest
IV. Zionist Media Organizations

Zionists have found many ways to influence the media. Ownership, editors, columnists, film producers, reporters mentioned above are just some. Below are some additional methods they use.
- The organization CAMERA - Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America - founded in 1982, has as its purpose to read the articles in the American press and if there is anything critical of Israel to call the reporter, write letters to the editor, and even encourage boycotts.
- The Palestinian Media Watch takes a different approach. It scours the Palestinian media to find out what Palestinians are saying about Israel, and lays out how the Palestinians negative interpretations of Israeli society are "wrong."
- The Middle East Media Research Institute, founded by the wife of David Wurmser, a Zionist in the upper echelons of the U.S. State Department, does very biased, skewed, pro-right wing English translations of the statements of leading Arabs. It then hopes that the English media, which are notorious for lacking Arab speakers, presents these translations in their media outlets as accurate.
- FLAME (Facts and Logic About the Middle East) On their website they say “The media – both print and broadcast – are with few exceptions biased against Israel.” (How this can be with the American media mainly owned and run by zionists as shown above is beyond me….but) FLAME accomplishes their objectives by publishing monthly hasbarah (propaganda) messages in major publications and small-town newspapers all across the United States and Canada as advertisements and organizing letters to the editors campaigns.
- Israeli “Internet Fighting Team” – the Talkbackers The Israeli Foreign Ministry has instituted teams of multi-lingual students and demobilized soldiers from the information analysis unit to monitor the Internet and to inject zionist propaganda – both written and videos - into websites, especially news websites, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. The “Talkbackers” operate covertly. That is, they project themselves as just “regular” bloggers and citizens of the country that they are blogging to although they are operating out of the Israeli Foreign Ministry under the direction of Elan Shturman, deputy director of the policy-explanation department – part of the worldwide zionist media, public relations machine. The ministry provides talking points to the teams but requires them to write personally – as net surfers. This operation started with volunteers during the 2009 Gaza massacre but has since become a working department in the Foreign Ministry. They have full access to the government’s computer technical division, Tahila. As part of their mission the teams also are to push Israeli commerce depicting Israel as a developed state that contributes to the quality of the environment and humanity. This second mission Israel hopes will help Israeli companies get millions of dollars worth of contracts. The Talkbackers operate 24 hours a day. (Source: Calcalist “The Foreign Ministry presents: talkbackers in the service of the State” by Dora Kishinevski, July 5, 2009.)
- The Israel Project (TIP) is an international, zionist, media project operating out of Jerusalem. Their focus is getting pro-Israel propaganda to foreign journalists and opinion-makers. To accomplish this they distribute “fact” sheets and background pieces on Israel, hold multi-lingual press conferences with zionist spokespeople, and conduct guided helicopter tours of Israel. There are over 400 foreign reporters permanently assigned to Israel that they primarily cater to. The current Israeli “hot issue” which TIP is working on is the hundreds of expanding, illegal, Jewish settlements in the West Bank that have outraged the world community. TIP has developed a 140 page “secret” paper to assist pro-Israel activists to defend these illegal settlements. The paper advises activists when questioned about the settlements that if they cannot convince the questioner on the righteousness of them then first try and change the subject. If that doesn’t work, they advise their fellow zionists to accuse those who advocate removing Jewish settlements of promoting “a kind of ethnic cleansing to remove all Jews” from the West Bank. They tell them to argue that telling Jews that they cannot live in the Palestinian state “is a racist idea.” TIP is primarily funded by the Robert and Yadelle Sklare Foundation in Chicago.
V. Zionists Continue Their Attack on America's Freedom of Speech
When it comes to Israel and many Jewish related topics, America has limited freedom of speech thanks to Zionist pressure. Some cases on point:- A party in honor of Bad Faith, a book Carmen Callil wrote about Louis Darquier, the Vichy official who arranged the deportation of thousands of Jews, was to have taken place at the French embassy in New York on October 10, 2006 but was cancelled after the embassy was pressured by "fundamentalist Jews" to have the party shut down. Their complaint was a paragraph in the postscript of the book that noted what the Jews of Israel were doing to Palestinians. The author commented that its seems "everyone forgets."
- Tony Judt, a British-born academic based at New York University has had two speaking engagements called off after criticism of his views. Mr. Judt, an American Jew, was due to speak on the subject of the influence of the pro-Israeli lobby on US foreign policy and at a separate location under the title War and Genocide in European Memory Today during September of 2006. The first instance was at a location owned by the Polish consulate. The Polish consul, Krzysztof Kasprzyk, said after two inquiries by Jewish organizations and "delicate pressure" from them he cancelled the speech. In the second instance, Judt pulled out from a talk on the Holocaust at Manhattan College after a Jewish leader, Rabbi Avi Weiss, warned he would hold a protest of Holocaust survivors outside that event.
- In March of 2006 the Royal Court Theatre production of "My Name is Rachel Corrie" was to open in New York City after two sold-out runs in London and several awards. The play is about Rachel Corrie, a 23 year old American girl who was killed rein 2003 in Palestine by Israelis as she was trying to stop a bulldozer from demolishing Palestinian homes. The production was cancelled because of protests by New York Zionist Jews – New York is Zionist City (ask Hilary Clinton who regularly bows to their wishes). Eventually the play opened at another theater despite the protests.
The above are just three recent examples. This website is full of other – intimidations of teachers, journalists, politicians, etc. that "keeps them quiet" and restricts America's knowledge, analytical thinking, and freedom of speech.
James Petras in 2007 called this the “Zionist Power Configuration.” It is much more than a lobby.
“The Zionist Power Configuration (ZPC) has over two thousand full-time functionaries, more than 250,000 activists, over a thousand billionaire and multi-millionaire political donors who contribute funds to both political parties. The ZPC secures 20% of the US foreign military aid budget for Israel, over 95% congressional support for Israel’s boycott and armed incursions in Gaza, invasion of Lebanon, and preemptive military option against Iran.”
“No single individual who dares criticize Israeli policy can escape the long hand of the pro-Israel authoritarians….Booksellers are picketed, editors are intimidated, university presses and distributors are threatened, university presidents are blackmailed, local and national candidates are browbeaten and smeared (from the smallest American hamlet to our metropolitan centers and national capital), meetings are cancelled and venues are pressured, faculty are fired or denied promotion, corporations are blacklisted, union pension funds are raided, and theater performances and concerts are cancelled. And the list of repressive actions taken by these authoritarian Zionist organizations at the national and local levels runs on….”
He might have added America is forced to war against other nations, and act against its own national interest diplomatically and militarily. Legislation is proposed to limit Americans’ freedom of speech labeling legitimate criticism of Israel and zionism as anti-Semite and a hate crime.
VI. Mossad and the Media - Israel's Disinformation Network
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The Mossad, the zionist spy network similar to our CIA, has a global network of media contacts which their Department of Psychological Warfare uses. Mossad's motto is " By way of deception, thou shalt do War." The Department of Psychological Warfare's task is to feed their media contacts "background" - read disinformation and lies, that will help discredit and destroy the Palestinians and Arab nations that support them, and elicit sympathy for Israel's elimination of Palestinians. A second task of that department is to prepare information for the press attaches at Israeli embassies. Their purpose there is the same. Below are two examples of Mossad's many attempts at media disinformation in the United States.
Zionist Jews worldwide are making war on the United States and most Americans are not aware of it. The United States is losing! |
VII. Studies of Pro-Israel Media Bias in Newspapers
The results of Jewish ownership of so much American and world media, their presence on editorial boards, and their proclivity to scream and yell anytime the media reports anything which they perceive as negative about Israel or positive about Palestine is the basis of a study done by If Americans Knew, a nonprofit organization whose goal is to educate Americans about the billions of dollars of our tax money that goes to support Israel and its policy of ethnic cleansing. Below is a link to their study of the San Francisco Chronicle and the San Jose Mercury. The study demonstrates the outlandish, pro Israel bent of both papers. Both papers are more a grocery store tabloid than a respectable journalistic endeavor. The sad thing is that any similar study of any major American newspaper would produce the same results. (A clear summary by the author of this research is in the September 2003 edition of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. The title of the article is "Reversing Reality: Newspaper Coverage of Israel and Palestine" by Sarah Weir. The article is available on the Internet but without the charts.)
A Boston Globe Reporter Tells of Zionist Influence on the Media |
I FIRST REALIZED the enormous pressures on American journalists in the Middle East when I went some years ago to say goodbye to a colleague from the Boston Globe. I expressed my sorrow that he was leaving a region where he had obviously enjoyed reporting. I could save my sorrows for someone else, he said. One of the joys of leaving was that he would no longer have to alter the truth to suit his paper's more vociferous readers (Read "Zionist Jews" - website author). "I used to call the Israeli Likud Party 'right wing,' " he said. "But recently, my editors have been telling me not to use the phrase. A lot of our readers objected." And so now, I asked? "We just don't call it 'right wing' anymore." Ouch. I knew at once that these "readers" were viewed at his newspaper as Israel's friends, but I also knew that the Likud under Benjamin Netanyahu was as right wing as it had ever been. This is only the tip of the semantic iceberg that has crashed into American journalism in the Middle East. Illegal Jewish settlements for Jews and Jews only on Arab land are clearly "colonies," and we used to call them that. I cannot trace the moment when we started using the word "settlements." But I can remember the moment around two years ago when the word "settlements" was replaced by "Jewish neighborhoods" or even, in some cases, "outposts." Similarly, "occupied" Palestinian land was softened in many Then there is the "wall," the massive concrete obstruction whose purpose, according to the Israeli authorities, is to prevent Palestinian suicide bombers from killing innocent Israelis. In this, it seems to have had some success. But it does not follow the line of Israel's 1967 border and cuts deeply into Arab land. And all too often these days, journalists call it a "fence" rather than a "wall." Or a "security barrier," which is what Israel prefers them to say. For some of its length, we are told, it is not a wall at all so we cannot call it a "wall," even though the vast snake of concrete and steel that runs east of Jerusalem is higher than the old Berlin Wall. The semantic effect of this journalistic obfuscation is clear. If Palestinian land is not occupied but merely part of a legal dispute that might be resolved in law courts or discussions over tea, then a Palestinian child who throws a stone at an Israeli soldier in this territory is clearly acting insanely. If a Jewish colony built illegally on Arab land is simply a nice friendly "neighborhood," then any Palestinian who attacks it must be carrying out a mindless terrorist act. And surely there is no reason to protest a "fence" or a "security barrier" words that conjure up the fence around a garden or the gate arm at the entrance to a private housing complex. For Palestinians to object violently to any of these phenomena thus marks them as a generically vicious people. By our use of language, we condemn them. We follow these unwritten rules elsewhere in the region. American journalists frequently used the words of U.S. officials in the early days of the Iraqi insurgency referring to those who attacked American troops as "rebels" or "terrorists" or "remnants" of the former regime. The language of the second U.S. pro-consul in Iraq, L. Paul Bremer III, was taken up obediently and grotesquely by American journalists. Back in the old days, we used to believe did we not that journalists should "tell it how it is." Read the great journalism of World War II and you'll see what I mean. The Ed Murrows and Richard Dimblebys, the Howard K. Smiths and Alan Moorheads didn't mince their words or change their descriptions or run mealy-mouthed from the truth because listeners or readers didn't want to know or preferred a different version. So let's call a colony a colony, let's call occupation what it is, let's call a wall a wall. And maybe express the reality of war by showing that it represents not, primarily, victory or defeat, but the total failure of the human spirit. This is taken from an opinion piece titled "Telling It Like It Isn't" by Robert Fisk. It appeared in the Los Angeles Times. Below is the link. Robert Fisk is Middle East correspondent for the London Independent and the author, most recently, of "The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East," published last month by Knopf. My readers should note that although this is about American journalism, the same applies to Zionist influence in other countries especially Europe, Australia and Canada whose people complain of the same thing. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-fisk27dec27,0,6099761.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinions |
VIII. Two International Jewish Media Conglomerates: News Corp & the Bonnier Group
Zionist media control, ownership, and dominance are not limited to the U.S. All the media conglomerates listed in the “U.S. Media” chart above are global in reach. This website does not have the resources to do a worldwide study of zionist and Jewish dominance of the world media but numerous examples of it flow across my desk. Here is a simplified breakdown of two of them.News Corp - Rupert Murdoch a Jewish global media tycoon and founder, major shareholder, chairman, and managing director of News Corporation which in 2003 was one of the top five media corporations in the world. Murdoch in 2009 was listed in Forbes magazine as the 132nd richest man in the world. He started his media acquisitions with newspapers and record companies in Australia. He expanded into the United Kingdom where he owns The Times and The Sun, and into the United States where he owns the New York Post along with dozens of other newspapers, TV stations in New York, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago, Atlanta, Boston, Phoenix and 14 other cities, Fox Broadcasting, Fox News Channel, Fox Sports Net, T.V. Guide, Harper Collins Publishing, 20th Century Fox, Direct TV, etc. etc. In Hong Kong News Corp. owns Star TV in Asia, which alone "broadcasts more than 60 television services in 13 languages to more than 300 million viewers across 53 countries. In Turkey Murdoch bought out TGRT TV. Murdoch, both personally and through his media empire, is a strong supporter of Israel and its zionist policies. Here are two pertinent quotes from the June 2003 issue of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs:
Murdoch's close relationship with Sharon and heavy investment in Israel led former Times Africa correspondent Sam Kiley to resign his position. "The Times foreign editor and other middle managers flew into hysterical terror every time a pro-Israel lobbying group wrote in with a quibble or complaint," Kiley said, "and then usually took [the lobby's] side against their own correspondent...No pro-Israel lobbyist ever dreamed of having such power over a great national newspaper." After one conversation in which Kiley was asked not to mention a 12-year-old Palestinian boy who was killed by Israeli troops, the reporter "was left wordless, so I quit.”
Former Times of London editor Harold Evans disagrees with Kuntzman, insisting that Murdoch does indeed make it known what he wants to see printed or broadcast—by constantly disparaging politicians he doesn't like, generally criticizing articles, and sending along copies of articles from other (often right-wing) publications to his employees with notes like "Worth reading!" Clearly, Murdoch indirectly orders his employees, supposedly independent journalists, to adopt positions that are in line with his own politics. Says former Times East Asia correspondent Jonathan Mirsky, the media mogul "does not need to tell [his] editors what to write, they just know."
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Global | Australia | China | India | Malaysia | Taiwan | United Kingdom | United States |
The Bonnier Group, a vast, mass media conglomerate, is privately owned by the 75 members of the Bonnier family. The headquarters is in Sweden. Carl-Johan Bonnier is chairman. They are Jewish. They own over 150 media companies – newspapers, magazines, publishing companies, radio and TV stations, and media distribution firms in over 21 countries – primarily throughout Europe and now in the United States.
Of the seven largest daily newspapers in Sweden (circulation over 100,000) as of 2003, the Bonnier Group owned four (two other are either Jewish owned or edited by Jews). With 45% control they virtually control TV4 the largest privately owned channel in Sweden plus numerous publishing houses, book clubs, a film and a music club, many magazines, media distribution companies, theaters, etc. The Swedish ambassador in Tel Aviv is a member of the Bonnier family.
In Finland the Bonnier Group’s subsidiaries are the Tammi Publishing and Alma Media companies. As of 2003 they owned 23% of MTV, the leading business daily, the Lehdentekijat publishing house that produces 40 regularly published magazines, five regional newspapers, 15 local newspapers, and controlled the Baltic News Service - the leading news bureau in the Baltic region.In Norway their subsidiary is Cappelens. Which owns publishing houses among their many media companies In Latvia Bonnier owns the paper which has half of the countries newspaper circulation. In Germany they are the main publisher of children’s books. They also own numerous media business in Spain, Denmark, France and most other European countries.
In the United States the Bonnier Corporation ranks in the top 10 in the country among publishing companies. Its main market is special-interest “hobby” magazines of which it publishes over fifty titles including Field and Stream, Parenting, Popular Science, Saveur, and Yachting. On June 2, 2009 Bonnier Corporation (USA) purchased five additional magazines: Popular Photography, Flying, Boating, Sound & Vision, and American Photo.
(Editor’s Note: To be fair I must note that no where did I run across accusations that the Bonnier Group uses its mass media empire as a zionist propaganda tool on behalf of Israel as the many other Jewish media companies mentioned in this website do. I do not read Swedish, therefore, my ability to detect such bias, if it does exist, is severely limited.)
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Europe | Scandinavia | Sweden | Denmark | Finland | Lativia | Norway | United States |
Stop the American and Israeli War Machine!